2018 International Conference on Aging and Disease (2018 ICAD). Nice, France, October 5-7, 2018. Co-organized with International Society on Aging and Disease. Organized the section: Public support for aging researchhttp://isoad.org/Data/View/885
The 1st Metchnikoff’s Day Online Conference “Aging, Immunity and COVID-19”, May 16, 2020.http://longevityalliance.org/?q=1st-metchnikoff-s-day-online-conference-aging-immunity-and-covid-19-may-16-2020
The 13-th international interdisciplinary conference "Vanguard scientific instruments in management-2020" (VSIM-2020). Online July 29 – August 2, 2020. Co-organized with the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria. http://vsim-conf.info
2020 Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing. Enhancing Clinical Trials for Longevity Therapies. On line. October 1, 2020. Co-organized with Healthy Life Extension Society (HEALES), Belgium. http://www.eha-heales.org/
The conference and workshops. Clarifying whether and to what degree the current anti-aging approaches work in mice or people. On line. February 11, 2021. Co-organized with Healthy Life Extension Society (HEALES), Belgium. https://heales.org/2021/01/05/february-11-2021-workshop-clarifying-whether-and-to-what-degree-the-current-anti-aging-approaches-actually-worked-in-mice-or-people/